
The Client

ALPAKA is a retail brand that specializes in designing and producing high-quality backpacks and bags that cater to adventurous lifestyles. Their mission is to provide functional and stylish backpacks that can handle the wear and tear of outdoor activities while remaining practical for everyday use.


ALPAKA was struggling to generate revenue from their paid advertising campaigns on Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok. Prior to working with Ads By Ashley, they were hitting a 1.5x ROAS at approximately $30k/month in spend, and their campaigns were not generating enough sales to justify the ad spend. ALPAKA's creative team was also facing a roadblock in developing fresh and innovative ad ideas, which made it difficult to keep their campaigns engaging and attractive to their target audience.


Ads By Ashley was brought on board to manage ALPAKA's paid advertising campaigns across Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok. The team’s main objective was to increase revenue and improve ROAS for the brand. Ads By Ashley began by conducting a thorough analysis of ALPAKA's current advertising campaigns to identify areas of opportunity and improvement.

After identifying key areas, Ads By Ashley worked closely with ALPAKA's creative team to brainstorm new ad ideas and develop a robust advertising strategy that could attract and retain customers. This included testing new UGC creative, and specific campaigns for Limited Edition products. Together, Ads By Ashley and ALPAKA developed a bi-weekly creative ideation process, which allowed them to continuously create new ad ideas that resonated with their target audience.

THe team also implemented a data-driven approach to campaign optimization, utilizing a combination of A/B testing, performance monitoring, and audience targeting to achieve the desired ROAS.


Ads By Ashley’s efforts paid off, as ALPAKA more than doubled its revenue YoY. The team also was able to increase their spend from $30k to $60k/month at a 2x-3x ROAS.

Ads By Ashley’s data-driven approach to campaign optimization allowed ALPAKA to improve their ROAS significantly, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue for the brand. ALPAKA was thrilled with the results of their partnership with Ads By Ashley and “is confident that we will be a valuable asset to any organization we work with.”
